What Causes Employees to Metamorphose Into Different, Better Performers?
After 15 years of running my agency, it was time to go. It had been fun, but that was long enough. Providentially, a client made me CEO...
Rock n’ Roll: Management Learning Lab
I learned most of what I know about managing highly creative people from my high school days running a rock ‘n roll band and playing in...
In Advertising, Do You Bet on Goliath or David?
Listen to the clink of glasses in the quiet cabin of the Cessna CitationX+ jet at 617 nautical miles an hour. Martin Sorrell, Chairman...
How to Write Your Own Copy
It's a long time ago, I was at lunch at a Chinese place near my direct marketing agency in Connecticut. Across from me is a copywriter...
What's Marketing?
Can you imagine a business function other than marketing where there would be a debate about what it was? A bunch of accountants at a...